- ncc48 - netART community congress people Josephine Bosma
- Deutsch
- Topic "net.art"
- Josephine Bosma
- lives and works in Amsterdam. She is journalist and author in the fields of art, new media and media theory. She worked for Radiostations (since 1991 for Radio Patapoe an Amsterdam pirate Radio Station, later for VPRO), since 1996 she has published regulary texts and interviews (nettime, Telepolis, Mute). Organized the radio section of the next5minutes mediafestival (1995) and in 1997, with Andreas Broekman, the net.radioworkshop at v2_Organisatie, Rotterdam.
- external links:
- A collection of her numerous essays, articles, lecture notes and interviews can be found in Josephine Bosma's Database:
selected texts of Josephine Bosma
The Interior of Net Art:
Between Moderation and Extremes: the tensions between net art theory and popular art discourse.
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