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Station Rose History
Situated in the center of Vienna, STR was the first public multimedia space in the city. it was a combination between multimedia-studio, shop, meeting point, gallery, database, as well as a place for live events, clubbings and lectures. There were Symposions on "Sampling & E-mail" in 1988, on "Avantgarde in East Germany ?" in 1988 & and on "Cyberspace" in 1990, to name a few.

There are 3 main phases of STR-avantgarde art production since 1988:

1)   After finishing the academy of applied arts in Vienna in 1987, after numerous music-projects since 1979 ("The Vogue" 1979 and "Die Nervoesen Voegel" 1982) and multimedia fashion-shows since 1983, e.g. "Kreuze, Blumen, Drachen" (i.e. crosses, flowers, dragons) or "Vorboten einer Neuen Welt" (i.e. forerunners of a new world), as well as many multimedia performances, we made one drastic decision in 1987 we set aside all we had ever heard about avantgarde, videoart, punk bands, fashion, ... for one reason: to start something very new and digital in Vienna immediately!

2)   We rented a space in the center of the city and opened Station Rose. From 3/1988 - 1/1991 our shop was open every tuesday to saturday- besides the egypt-intermezzo. (We shall talk about that later). We were very occupied keeping it all going. As artists to run a space for such a long period was one of the important experiences we made.

3)   After having done many "Public-Brain Session" live-performances in Germany throughout 1990, as well as a performance at the "Cyberthon" in San Francisco ("The Acid Test for the Nineties"), we decided to close Station Rose shop in Vienna and go west, move to the center of Europe in 1991. We went to Frankfurt.

In 1991 we left monumental Vienna and moved to this ultra-materialistic superficial but X-static place called Frankfurt/ Germany. Around the studio there are people speaking very funny german dialect, lots of brokers and lots of banks as well as technoclubs, sports cars en masse and some sort of free spirit. Here we produced 4 cd-roms (first in 1992), as well as audio cds+maxis. We have our e-mail address at the WELL since 1991- meeting virtual communities worldwide. Not to forget Gunafa Clubbing, which we developped here, the first multimedia online events in the german technoscene (start in 1992).
Station Rose

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