- ncc48 - netART community congress topics transfer.net
- Deutsch
- Topic "transfer.net"
- With Reinhard Braun, Andreas Broeckmann, Gary Danner,
Margarete Jahrmann, Verena Kuni, Max Moswitzer and Elisa Rose.
- October, 26th 04:00 pm through 08:00 pm CEST
- _transfer.net_
- transfer.net
/transfer.net/ deals with the framework conditions of everyday/popular net cultures (i.e. net cultures having, among other things, always some sort of economic motivation) and the increasing intermeshing of entertainment and consumption cultures on the one hand and net cultures on the other. In the context of emerging convergence processes between different media (e.g. between TV/radio and "the net"), communication is, next to entertainment, increasingly established as a type of merchandise and consumer product (SMS, W@P), infotainment strategies combined with communication services ("wherever you are") already having established themselves as consumist teasers and central components of spreading media practices.
How are the popularization of connectivity ("get connected") and the individualization of presence on the net ("your personal homepage") affecting the framework conditions for all types of net art? Is it possible to maintain a counter-cultural net art or community concept in a time when net-based discourses are increasingly becoming merchandise-type discourses ("satisfy your lust")? What meaning is possibly left, against this background, for strategies such as appropriation, irony, fake, subversion, diversification or for something like (sub-cultural) counter-information?
These and other questions are the basis of a panel that will bring together international net art representatives and operators of commercial net portals and net services.
Thanks to the co-operation with Station Rose, Frankfurt, the whole programme, including talks, presentations and a streaming event, will be webcasted, thus implementing the engaged discourses on the net into the net itself.
We invite you to take advantage of this
on October 26th 2001, starting at 04:00 pm CEST and continuing untill 08:00 pm CEST.
As part of _transfer.streaming_ Station Rose will be realising their Web Cast Nr. 150 perfomed live on site in Graz starting at 05:45 pm CEST.
- Streams:
- http://www.stationrose.com/STReam.html
- (Real)
- http://iem.kug.ac.at:8000/ncc (Icecast)
- Concept: MiDiHy
- Projecthomepage: http://midihy.mur.at/projekte/ncc/transfernet.shtml
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