- ncc48 - netART community congress people Andreas Broeckmann
- Deutsch
- Topic "transfer.net"
- Andreas Broeckmann
- Lives and works in Berlin. He studied art history, sociology and media studies and worked as a project manager at V2_Organisatie Rotterdam, Institute for the Unstable Media, from 1995-2000. Since the autumn of 2000 he has been the Artistic Director of transmediale - international media art festival berlin. He is a member of the Berlin-based media association mikro, and of the European Cultural Backbone, a network of media centres. In texts and lectures he deals with post-medial practices and the possibilities for a 'machinic' aesthetics of media art.
- Texts:
- Sociable Machinists of Culture
- Networked Agencies
- Tactical Media
- external links:
- Transmediale - international media art festival berlin:
- mikro - Berliner Initiative zur Förderung von Medienkulturen, ein Katalysator und eine offene und unabhängige Plattform für Projekte, Diskussionen und Veranstaltungen:
- V2_Organisation. Institute for the Unstable Media
an interdisciplinary center for art and media technology in Rotterdam (The Netherlands):
- Texts by Andreas Broeckmann:
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