ncc 48


ncc48 - netART community congress     people     Max Moswitzer
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Max Moswitzer
born 1968, specialised on 3D simulations and arts server design and configurations, 1996 founder of Konsum Art_Server, interactive installations, telematic setups and Videos, f.ex. ASCIIkarre 99 at OK Center of contemporary arts Linz.

1985 university for applied arts vienna, "arts" at Oswald Oberhuber und Ernst Caramelle. 1986 communicationstheory at Roy Ascott, first network und Internetprojects,installations, experimental arts programmings and computermanipulations. 1987 noumerous videos and music-clips at the videostudio of Karl Kowanz. 1987 Ars Electronica Stipendia. 1990 cofounder of the artistsgroup YOU NEVER KNOW for mediaevents and installations at international galleries, f.ex. Sezession Vienna, Gallery Knoll Budapest, Gallery Overbeck Vienna, Gallery Steinek Vienna etc..

From, 1996 on participating @ international festivals and art shows: MAK, Museum for Angewandte Kunst Vienna 1996; European Media Art Festival Osnabrück 1996; Dutch Electronic Arts Festival Rotterdam 1996; Media Research Foundation Budapest1997; Steirischer Herbst 1997, 1998 Bitstream Enschede, Installation at Public netbase Vienna, 1999 3D Game für Synreal World Vienna and OpenX, Ars Electronica99.
Climax Clan/ Action Bot Machinima (german only)

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