ncc 48


ncc48 - netART community congress     timetable
48 hours non stop
October, 25th at 12:00 noon through 27th, at 12:00 noon CEST 2001
The following 48 Hour Speakers have been invited to address those interelations and to constantly moderate the whole process:
Josephine Bosma, NL, Andreas Broekmann, D, Katharina Gsoellpointner, A, Jaromil, Derrick de Kerckhove, CAN und Ulli Meybohm, D
GOODLOOK-DRUCKLOOK, "going sub" fashion and the net
radio boot, Radio Helsinki
Indian buffet, Michael Kramer
October, 25th 12:00 noon CEST
12:00 noon
opening and welcome
Winfried Ritsch,, A "Netzkulturszene in Europa", lecture
01:15 pm
Ivan Redi, ortlos architects, A "public and audience", lecture
open_source / free software
October, 25th 2:00 pm CEST
02:00 pm
Maia Engeli, Kerstin Hoeger, ETH Zürich, CH ">open source< net art: projects, processes, products", videoconference
03:00 pm
Jaromil "Free software as a political joice", lecture
04:00 pm
Richard Stallman, USA (remote), Erich Stamberger (irl), A, chat
October, 25th 6:00 pm CEST
06:00 pm
Peter Riegersperger,, A
07:00 pm
Thomas Fundneider,, A, "Cultural heritage goes digital. Experiences from the field of Public Sector Information"
07:30 pm
Gabi Kepplinger, Stadtwerkstatt Linz, A
08:00 pm
Impulse lectures and presentations of austrian netculture initiatives:
Radio Fro, indymedia, Mediathek Graz, med-user, subnet
09:00 pm
Presentation of "local task 2003", a call for entries addressing net art projects to be realised in the realm of "Graz 2003 - Cultural Capital of Europe".
October, 25th 10:00 pm CEST
10:20 pm
Kristian Lukic, Media Education Centre, Novi Sad,Yu
11:00 pm
Zeljko Blace, Multimedia Institute, Zagreb, CRO "The importance of physical space", presentation and projects of the netculture center [mama]
11:40 pm
Walter van der Cruijssen,, Berlin, D "DIY - Together", remote
00:20 am
Jurij Krpan, Kaplica - Students Organisation of the University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SLO "Making an Wired Platform", lecture
01:00 am
Peter Tomas Dobrila, Multimedia Center KiberSRCeLab, KIBLA, Maribor, SLO
October, 26th 2:00 am CEST
02:00 am
Station Rose, D
03:00 am
CPU - Das Werkzeug des Architekten, Thomas Kienzl, A, performance
04:00 am
Radio Fro, A
05:00 am
Aesque, CRO
06:00 am
Zvuk Broda, Live Music/ VJ set
October, 26th 08:00 am CEST
08:00 am
early, SPLITTERWERK, presentation
09:00 am
Gerhard Greiner, INFONOVA Information Technology , "Grazer Pioniere der Internet Technologie", lecture
09.30 am
Willi Stadler; INFONOVA Information Technology, A "Kommunikationstechnologie im Fokus der Zukunftsforschung", lecture
11:00 am
Erich Leitgeb, TU-Graz, Institut fuer Nachrichtentechnik und Wellenausbreitung, A; "Lichtfunk - Breitbandiger Zugang zu >Backbone<-Netzen", lecture
11:30 am
Vorstellung der Medienplattform durch Graz 2003
October, 26th 12:00 noon CEST
12:15 noon
caX, digitale fertigungstechniken: "Neue tools (softwaren) in der Fertigungstechnik ermöglichen neue räumlich physische Ergebnisse", Onlinefertigung, Fa. RPD, Kapfenberg
01:00 pm
Manfred Maurer, A, fa. ARS, Gebäudeautomation "Intelligente Gebäude, Sicherheitstechnik"
02:00 pm
Manfred Ruttner (EMVU), A, Gruppe Environment der Mobilkom Austria, telekom "Handynetzwerkbetreiber und ihr Einfluß auf die Regionalplanung"
02:30 pm
fa. FMK, Forum für Mobilkommunikation
October, 26th 4:00 pm CEST
04:00 pm
Reinhard Braun, Midihy, A - Andreas Broeckmann, transmediale, D "Welche Netze, welche Diskurse, welche Kunst?", lecture
04:15 pm
Verena Kuni, Kulturwissenschafterin, Frankfurt/Trier, D "Maschen oder Mehr? Netzwerke(n) als schöne Kunst betrachtet", lecture
05:00 pm
Climax Clan/ Action Bot Machinima, are emerge by Jahrmann & Moswitzer
Konsum Art-Server, presentation;
05:45 pm
Station Rose - Gary Danner & Elisa Rose, Frankfurt "Build a Page with a Cable", presentation/performance
Station Rose - Gary Danner & Elisa Rose, Frankfurt, Web Cast Nr. 150
06:45 pm
Panel with all participants on _transfer.net_; moderation: Andreas Broeckmann
net & literature
0ctober, 26th 8:00 pm CEST
08:00 pm
Dzevad Karahasan BIH, Beat Mazenauer, CH, "Erzählen in neuen Räumen", lecture
09:30 pm
Igor Markovic, CRO "interaktivalija and beyond"
10:15 pm
Thomas Ballhausen, "die flut: Möglichkeiten eines Einschreibprozesses", lecture; Xaver Bayer, Julia Hadwiger, A; presentation and debate
11:00 pm
Claus D. Volko, D "hugi. the leading free international electronic magazin be/dismag", impulse statement and presentation
11:30 pm
Martin G. Wanko, A, "upsites revisited", impulse statement and presentation
0ctober, 26th 12:00 midnight CEST
cool vibes on the net
tonto - feron - reflector - remi/wini ritsch - lepenik/kaplan - lackner/posch/... - edda - tontoDJ
0ctober, 27th 6:00 am CEST
Chill out and breakfast with Robert L. and net.summary
0ctober, 27th 8:00 am CEST
Josephine Bosma, NL; Andreas Broeckmann, D; Katharina Gsoellpointner, A; Derick de Kerckhove, CAN; Ulli Meybohm, D; Heath Bunting (remote), GB; Geert Lovink, NL;
audience on site and on line

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