ncc 48


ncc48 - netART community congress     topics
Topic ""
With Kristian Lukic, Media Education Centre, Novi Sad, YU; Zeljko Blace, Multimedia Institute, Zagreb, CRO; Walter van der Cruijssen,, Berlin, D (remote); Peter Tomas Dobrila, Multimedia Center KiberSRCeLab, KIBLA, Maribor, SLO and Jurij Krpan, Kaplica - Students Organisation of the University of Ljubljana, SLO.
October, 25th 10:00 pm through 2:00 am CEST
Midihy for ncc 48 netART community congress
Takes up the idea "to communicate more regularly, to stimulate collaboration, to facilitate co-operation between East and West, and to form a strategic alliance" and offers a platform for exchange, but also of critical mutual reflection of the local web art-scene with initiatives and institutions from the so called / former "East".
This is not about a simplistic concept of the East - a phantasm and a projection of the West.
Representatives from neighbouring states of Austria (who at present press to join the EC) will be invited to make a reappraisal of 'neighbourhood under media conditions' as well as position the reciprocal relations, concerning web productions and various web terms respectively.
An emphatic defeat of space and time, of cultural differences and national borers is expressed by the fanciful term 'cyber space'. Apparently the notion of the 'nation' has come to its end and must be substituted by the term (of trans-national, trans-cultural ) communities. The old nationalistic strategies impede this development from a geographic topography to a communication based web topology. At the moment though, this trans-cultural feature rather takes on the characteristics of a global market place and of a consumerist frenzy. Considering the reformulation of the specific cultural features in a not so peaceful 'Europe of many regions', we experience one flashback after the other.
So once again the metaphor 'web' has to be tested: In which way have those channels of communication and electronic exchangeable forms changed the idea of what neighbourhood, seen as a cultural overlapping and transgression, can be? Why are the often geographically closest regions basically a blank spot on the map of web based communication and production? Does it still make any sense to think about processes of cultural exchange in this way? Has neighbourhood been substituted by something like calculated web work, mailing lists and chat rooms? Has the possibility to communicate with practitioners from all over, to coordinate events on the basis of more and better information than ever before, diminished an interest in collaboration and strategic alliance with the closest neighbouring countries? Or is it true that the so often praised web topology only carries cultural conditions of hierarchy, periphery and (so though of ) centres into the domain of the web?
Within the frame of ncc 48 these and other issues are to be discussed in the meeting of representatives of various media based organisations and -groups.

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